Seize the Grid Campaign



Through the Sierra Student Coalition’s Seize the Grid Campaign, young people can lead a transformative movement that

dramatically increases clean energy in this country.

Many of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States still rely on outdated, polluting fossil fuels to power their campuses. Utility companies are the largest obstacle to universities transitioning away from dirty fossil fuels to clean energy.

Campuses do not need to continue to purchase dirty energy. Rather, universities have a moral obligation to their students and the larger community to lead in the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. Students and young people will be the pivotal force to drive this forward.

On campus, students are calling on their Administrations to demand enough clean energy from their utility providers to power the campus with 100% renewable energy. Off campus, young people are fighting for better statewide clean energy policies. This will mean more solar and wind, less coal and natural gas, and a safer, healthier climate.

Through the Seize the Grid Campaign, young people across the country will create the demand and the vision for local clean energy opportunities that work for their campuses, their communities, and their states.

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